Charles Edward York

What Is A Verse



What is a verse or a word

From a poet’s hand

If not to make the world better?

Whether one pens a rhyme,

Makes a metaphor,

Scribbles a simile,

Assembles alliteration

Or awakens an aphorism

It’s not enough

If it fails to inspire

And move a heart.


So truly, what is a verse?

It is a quickening

A desire to ascend to something

Higher and beyond

A rocket to reel

Among the stars

Capture power and light

Express the mundane

In magnificent color

In luminous blood

And lift a laden heart.


I tapped my fingers lightly

On an electric page

From somewhere else

Or deep within me

It came all of a sudden

From all the time

And began the stroke

Each character an impulse

Composing to life

A message I only knew

And spoke to my heart.


Listen to your own poetry

So you may yet contribute

One eloquent phrase

Or pray, perhaps

A meaningful line

Real and recitable verse

Easily repeatable

Not by mouth

But by hands and feet

Paving prose

Others can follow.


Copyright © 2021 Charles Edward York

No part of this poem may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the author.*