
Praise Professions

Tune: Woodlands

(\'Tell out my soul\')

Psalm 146 v.8-10 and 147 v.1-5


The Lord opens eyes of blind that they see

Helps us physically, spiritually

He raises up them that are bowed down, He

Loves the righteous, pleasant their lives shall be


The Lord preserves the strangers, fatherless

And too the orphans and the motherless

Gives aid to widows and to widowers

But unto wicked  confusion confers


The Lord shall reign for e\'er, e\'en your God, He

O Zion, to all generations, see

Praise you the Lord, for it is good to sing

Praises o Him, pleasant to praise Him bring


For praise is comely and is beautiful

The Lord does build up Jerusalem all

His city, and His people Israel

Gathers together outcasts, they fare well


He heals the broken in heart, their wounds bind

Comfort and solace they in Him sure find

he tells the number of the stars, He calls

Them all by their names, none without Him falls


Great is our Lord, and He of great power

None can compare with Him, not e\'en one hour

His understanding it be infinite

He all in heaven, earth has ordained, set