

Why do we let greed disembowel the Earth

Fracturing nature’s cradling harmony?

Why do we let hatred plague the vital breeze

Bleeding our race of its humanity?


Why are we blind to the needy and lame

By privilege unearned cruelly oppressed?

Why to the forsaken’s cry are we so deaf

Leaving them of their honor dispossessed?


How can eternal be our destination?

How can we ever claim royal descent?

How can we hope for mercy and for compassion

If in our mind resides evil intent?


How can we claim the angels as our kin

While seeking to behold God’s holy face

How can our prayers pierce the open sky

When our malice is venom to the human race?


Let us awake, reject these lethal bonds

Show that we are not children of the lie

Oblivious of our neighbor’s deep despair

Content to wallow in a moral sty


Let us recall we come from noble place

Where life’s sole purpose is for love to shine

Let’s open our hearts to heavenly grace

Rekindling in our soul the spark divine