



I was making my way with no hint of danger

And as I went along it even felt right as I went

But soon things began to feel a little stranger

Until I realized that if I struggled I’d be spent


It pulled me down and sucked me under part way

The grip was tight and the weight was too much

But trying to wrestle free was quite the tricky play

And what I did from here would prove to be clutch


Now firmly in the grasp of this sandy colloid

I feel trapped and helpless in this desert place

Having found within apparent solid ground a void

Caught in a mystery of both time and space


But the best way out is to slow yourself down

Easing out slowly rather than panic and fear

Assuring yourself that you surely will not drown

It’s only an experience in a very different sphere


There are some things we all must go through

Burdens we will all have to bare in this land

Don’t panic for this will not be the end of you

It’s just a temporary stop in some circumstantial quicksand