Michael J. Schaeffer

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


The Morning is Dark at the Moment. And We Spoke the Other Night. We also Spoke Last Night. You are so Young that it Reminds Me of Me Years Ago. Frightening. Frightening because of all the Trouble that Found Me at Your Age. Once Upon a Time I was Nineteen. Once Upon a Time I was Dangerous at that Age. Seeing Your Stunning Hair. Seeing Your Magnificent Eyes is Fresh. Like Mint. You are a Reminder of a Minty Winter. Freezing Snowy Ice. Your so Young and Dazzling You have a Power to You. Electric. Electricity. Your Power is Electricity and Your Color of Power is the Color of Your Eyes. A Superb Blue. The Blue of the Oceans. The Blue of the Seas. And lets not forget the Sky. The Constant Blue Sky. Your Eyes. Your Electricity. Your Nature. Your Natural Power. As the Moon Continues to Grin at the Earth. The Morning Light is Breaking and the Morning that was Dark is now Turning to a Graceful Blue. Your Magnificent Blue Eyes. Once Upon a Time I was Nineteen. Once Upon a Time I was Young and You were Not Even Born.
