
Togetherness We must Cherish

So much beauty in this world  

still the inner beauty so rare,

beauty is not only that one sees

but a feeling that is the air.


Such a beauty that you are

charming as a star,

it\'s natural to fall for you

despite being away, so far.


To know one\'s soulmate

is a feeling so divine.

these verses have a message,

contained between the lines.


Why do you say so often

that you are not my solution,

and you can\'t be my Anker

how will I achieve my evolution?


You alone can be strong

and successful that you want,

but to reach our potential

we both need a jaunt.


Sometimes we may feel

that as single we are fine,

but our destiny is together

that is life\'s true design.


We are born as individuals

and as individuals, we perish,

but with love, peace and truth,

the togetherness we must cherish.


If you are powerful in your will,

 you are \'our\' strength.

any mutual dependence

acts as the relationship\'s cement.


In our life, each stage demands,

a different flavour and objective.

The rules in life keep changing

until one finds a perspective.