Chris Duffy

What Grandma Saw.

Grandma saw a lady in the doorway of the hall just before our Grandad passed away.
She didn’t recognise her but Grandma said she knew she ‘d come to help our Grandad on his way.

Grandma swears the wallpaper on the kitchen wall, turned into a map of the world.
It took her back to places she\'d been to in the past, to happy times when she was a girl.

The last time that we visited, Grandma had made tea for all of those who visited that day.
Grandma began to scold us for making too much noise, we ‘d scared her other visitors away.

Then Grandma took a candle from a little boy, who suddenly appeared behind her chair.
Grandma was insistent that although we could n’t see them, the candle and the little boy were there.

Grandma said that visitors called when it was time, to make your final journey go to plan.
It could be a lost relative, Mother or a Father, there to take you home and safe from harm.

Grandma said that life with us was like a holiday. She smiled and said she loved us all.
And although she ‘d love to stay with us on our holiday, she was going to meet the lady in the hall.