
From Budapest to Vienna


The man in the leotard was on his way

from Vienna to Budapest

with a pocketful of clay


he had left his tiny town

on a sunny little day

with his wife’s wedding gown

and of-course his pocketful of clay


although the journey was hard

courtesy of his cursed mind

he kept up his cautious guard

and never let anyone get intertwined


through the storefronts and restaurants

between graveyards and vineyards

he frolicked and danced

still deeply under financed


on the way he met a few

who questioned his world view

but he held onto his dear clay

and made swans out of them all day


for a vision he had

of a distant future land

where he was happy and contempt

forever tax exempt


with hopes and dreams

he kept striving on

with not a soul by his side

but i guess he will be fine