
I Will Be There


When voices are the only thing that you listen to,

Waiting for a tranquil heart-to-heart chatter.


When the judgment goes wrong,

Waiting for that ounce of faith to be found.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you are over with supporting others,

Merely wanting someone to stand behind.


When you have been alone for so long,

Waiting for the one for whom the trust belongs.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you are tired of choosing individuals,

Waiting for someone to get you first.


When you fall short of words,

Waiting to be understood silently.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you are tired of running behind all,

Waiting for that tight hold by the one near.


When you have utilized all your love,

Waiting to get some without any conditions along. 


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you are tired of speaking,

soothing voice is what you crave.


When the nights get through,

Waiting for the sleep to be found.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you are not in a mood to be in contact with the world,

Still waiting for a text to pull you out.


When you find it hard to get your shit straight,

Waiting for nothing but just a lovely vibe along.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you have been in the sole bargain of one\'s firsts or lasts,

Hoping for someone to call you as theirs.


When you are tired of making the first move,

Waiting for the much-needed approach.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When you want the feeling of being the only one,

Accepting the adherent sentiments as well.


When you want a bond without a bond,

Waiting for the one not bothered about the title.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


Being blinded by the on and off social media updates,

Pushing you to a place on the balcony with steaming hot chocolate in hand.


When you want to be loved,

Being okay with the possessiveness along.


I will be there around,

I will be there for you.


When everything is slowly escaping,

Desiring just that one hand to hold on forever.


When you burst into tears in the room,

Thinking no one knows.

Behind the door,

I will be there around,

I will be there for you.  


Is love so difficult?

Was love so complex?

Why is loving someone so sore?

It is just,

I will be there around.

It is just the feeling that says,

I will be there for you.

