
Confession of love an life.

Confused in a world series of  Sarrow an disquiet while keeping a dovition for a will to live. I was consumed in the deep depths of darkness that mystified me, losing myself in my own thoughts. What wondered my mind the most was the meaning of my life, in witch I did not have till my daughter came alongl. I had this processes where I became a risk-taker.

 Home was like a void, and I wanted to escape. Spending my nights out bingeing night after night, willingly risking my very life for pure entertainment and excitment. Even with exsposure to  these horrible addictions, I felt empty and grew to hate my self all the more. Continueing to feel as if it\'s already too late, my life is as it is now an will be to my last breath. So close to just giving up, the last man before my fiance was supposed to be my last. I could no longer linger in the world of love, lust and addictions. 

Than one day, when at my lowest, Tommy Smith saved me from giving up utterly on my life. 
He built me up, showed me the parts of my heart  an the colors of my soul, no longer did I feel shaded out from life. As our relationship lasted, we grew stronger and before we knew it we became parents to our birth daughter Xena Smith. 

With her birth the rest of that retched darkness no longer consumed my heart an soul. Feeling this freedom and contentment.  He just understands me, notices who I truly am, an there is not shame ever that he puts upon me. Xena brings out the good inside me, an most of all the gave me the most will to live. 

Even with our fallouts, he will always have my heart. The two of them are the path to my awakening an one day when the time is right, our lifes will blossom an everything will  be alright.

In this moment, we hold hand an hand, fighting through these battles, we will never fall again. 
I beleive an so does he, those around us will learn to accept us, if they oppose us as one, than they\'ll vanish from our lives. 

Love is not for others to chose, not everyone will be pleased for our choices. Great thing is that no one can chose our destiny for us, we pave our own ways and  we get to say whome we will love for the rest of eternity.