
Eco Pigaloo

Now El Pigaloo was as happy as can be with the love of his life, his girlfriend Pigalee, 

But when he was on the beach and getting a tan to be fried bacon, he heard a screech that made him awaken, 

He leapt right up to see a dolphin being strangled and watched in horror as he saw that it was entangled, 

The dolphin started to go under the water, Pigaloo knew it was headed to slaughter, 

He dived right it and started to swim, and saw the dolphin was wrapped in a plastic bin, 

Pigaloo struggled with the plastic, but it was too late, the dolphin had already met its tragic fate, 

From that day on Pigaloo swore, that he would not sit around and let this happen anymore, 

In his mind a plan unfurled, Pigaloo was going to change the world, 

Pigaloo rallied up his troop of devoted hogs, and together they trekked the mountains and scoured the bogs, 

They disposed of all garbage in sight, ridding the world of rubbish through day and night, 

But everyone Pigaloo knew would thoughtlessly litter, and use harmful materials like plastic and glitter, 

The environment and the poor animals he would defend, he swore to himself he was going to put this to an end, 

Pigaloo knew he had to do something big, a grand gesture that would get the attention of every pig, 

So Pigaloo whipped out his phone and went onto Pigtrest, hoping to grasp many pigs’ interests, 

Pigaloo filmed a short but sweet clip, filming himself on an enlightening trip, 

On this journey pollution filled the air, plastic and litter sent him into despair, 

Pigaloo heard nature’s cries, he wanted to save it before it died, 

He thought that it was the most beautiful place, and he didn’t want it turn into a big blank space 

Pigaloo reminded his followers that there was a solution, to rid the world of the killing pollution, 

He said that if we all come together and share, we can show the world some proper care, 

After uploaded, the video was seen across the nation, in Pigaloo many found inspiration, 

Millions swore to make their habits sustainable, in the hope of a bright future that could be attainable, 

As time went on Pigaloo became well known, his group of loyal followers had grown,  

He decided to swap his car for a new bike, and he even led several climate strikes, 

He recycled materials instead of throwing them away, and in doing this, for others, he paved the way, 

He campaigned for a green and healthy earth, for from the ashes of this one, a new one could be birthed, 

And for every follower he would recruit, each life was transformed as they all followed suit, 

He had a motto which everyone knew, try to re-use rather than refuse, 

But then one day, Pigaloo received an email, it stated that he should go to London and tell his tale, 

And so, Pigaloo made his way to speak the crowds, speaking up for the planet, making his family proud, 

So finally, Pigaloo was heard, and with his compassion and courage he changed the world.