Poetae Opus

To a doll

I’d like to show you,

How a candle lights an omen,

In your heart,

As you appear,

As a vessel,

For thorny eyes;


Your path is full of trees,

Crying for you,

To believe,

There is some good,

In the soul of a Jinn;


Even though that smile of you,

May write a sad story,

On how to look out,

For your life;


There will be a chance,

To awake such a Faith,

You have always wished,


A well as to let a kiss,

Surround you,

With every kind of grips;



A prophesy can be fulfilled,

If we hear how our tears demand us,

To see beyond the wind,


For the Gods never forget,

That their own Flesh craves,

To be in touch,

With the Earth;


Just like our spirit needs a body,

To arouse our inner Saint.