James Fox

Come to the Light

Be calm! My sweet angel

who for so long in the shadows,

looks upon the world and often asks,



As you peer out from your shelter,

built to protect you from your fears

I wonder if they also confine

the inner beauty that so many of us see.


Be calm! My sweet angel

as those who love you will watch over you

and let you enjoy the journey of life’s trials.

We are there when dark clouds approach.


We are there to celebrate everyday,

the small and great things we see you do.

Treasured moments that mean so much to us,

yet are parts of your everyday.


Be calm! My sweet angel

for there is no greater strength

than that which exists within you.

This, we hope, you can now see!


Come to the Light!

Shed the cloak of darkness that has shrouded your life.

Come to the Light!

Lead us that have our doubts and fears.


Bring your own Light!

Shine it for all to see

and know that we have always seen it