
My Father (2002)

A kind man he was - that I knew of him,

Hard-working, family-minded, and loving;

To me, he was the best I ever had,

The one for all his generations cared,

A wise man to his children guiding;

That’s what I’ll remember of him.


A month after he had forever left,

I dreamt a dream that forever clings:

A dream of him in many forms –

Tall, short, well-built, chubby, the norm;

They were sent to tend me of future things,

Found in others, his character he left.


I sought an answer that he alone could give,

I found a pastor or a leader;

I sought a counselor and friend,

I found him in my best of friends;

I found my mentor in all my teachers;

In all the above, my father still lives.


To give gratitude to this man I love dearly,

A ‘Thank You’ would not suffice my love –

I would need a life with him again

To show, among all, he’s the main;

To say, in Heaven, I’ll see you above,

And, finally, to demonstrate my love clearly.