
The dark side of a girl

The dark side of a girl


You want to be driven in a expensive car

but you are working as a waitress in a bar.
You have some old fans
who wish to be your boyfriends. 
While you are interested in their richness,

they hope with you for happiness.


The alcohol is your best friend
Your fans dont know that you dont need a boyfriend.
With luxery trips and and expensive things, 
they try to buy your feelings.


Feelings are something 
you never understood,
you prefer a weekend on a yacht
with champagne and fine food.


Five stars hotels are your second home
you dont need to cook there
the only thing you should do,
is to walk in underwear.


A life in Monaco has always been  your dream,
some of your fans can  make it even real. 
For that you need the permission of your aunt still.

written by Gjoshe Pocev