
On the Cusp of a Sneeze ..

On the Cusp of a Sneeze ..


You were once, as much a part of me

as the blue vein

which still passes through my neck

on the long

convoluted journey back to my heart ..

Yet, without you

and that constant pulse and flow, I may

as well be nothing ..

But while I still have breath, I shall

always be that

faint glimmer of golden light at the

end of all your

darkest tunnels, which now of course

surrounds your shadow ..

And yes, that barely discernible tremor

and deep sigh too

regardless, of whether you breathe deeply

or shallow, plus that tingle

in your nose, upon the cusp of a sneeze ..

Of course, I shall always

be the smell and the taste of your mother’s

home cooking

carried to you, on a cool welcome breeze ..

Indeed, I shall be

all things desirous, both protective

and bright ..

Like a heavy quilted down blanket on a cold

winter night ..

Yes, I like to think you might sometimes

remember things

such as these, contained in my promise to thee ..

Whenever you might

just be passing my love, occasionally maybe ..