
Communion Compendium

Tune: Old Yeavering

(\'Lie a mighty river flowing\')


Psalm 117 v.1-2

O praise the Lord, all you nations

All you people of all stations

For His merciful kindness is

Great toward us, prosperous


Psalm 117 v.1-2

And the truth of the Lord endures

For ever, His grace us assures

That His help is near, he worthy

Of our praise and worship be


Psalm 134 v.1-2

Behold, bless the Lord, you servants

Which stand by night in the house hence

Of the Lord, and your hands uplift

Praise Him for each gracious gift


Psalm 134 v.2-3

Lift hands in the sanctuary

And bless the Lord, praises freely

The Lord that made heaven and earth

Bless you from Zion, His hearth


Psalm 131 v.1

Lord, my heart not proud, nor my eyes

Conceited, meek I not despise

In great matters I have not been

Concerned, but lowly have seen


Psalm 131 v.1-2

Nor things too difficult, profound

Nor where complexities abound

Surely I have behaved, quieted

My soul, as small child is fed


Psalm 131 v.2-3

For my soul is e\'en as weaned child

Close to its mother, loving, mild

Let your people, Lord, hope in you

For ever, our trust renew