Bella Shepard

Little Birdie



Little Birdie wild and free

Will you sing a song for me?

A trill, a warble, a little tweet

Each morning brings a sound so sweet


I hear you call to friends nearby

And listen for their swift reply

Your sound conveys a special meaning

I wish I knew what you were feeling


Each note a letter, each group a word

A language I have never heard

What do you say when you call out

What is your message all about?


I stand transfixed at dawn each day

In awe of what you have to say

Peace surrounds me, welcome bliss

Each note becomes a gentle kiss


You sit perched high upon a wire

I stand and watch and never tire

I pause and listen in perfect calm

Your tones for me a healing balm


I’d wish the morning never end

That I might keep my special friend

That I might stand with just us two

And hear your song the whole day through