
The Perfect Smile

The PERFECT smile. Specifically HIS smile, it makes you MELT when he smiles at you. At first you say you can’t like him but day by day he wins your heart. His smile is what you LOVE about him. It’s what makes you melt when you see him down the street. When he smiles it’s like it is a NEW WORLD. You sink in his EXTREMELY HANDSOME, KIND smile. The COMFORT you get when you see him smile, the kind that you know nothing else could give to you. The SAFETY you feel when he smiles, nothing could ever compare to it. All you could say is THANK YOU for being part of your everyday life and for being the HIGHLIGHT of your day. Because frankly that’s the only thing you could say. You know that the only thing you will ever get from him is his smile but that is more than enough to make you feel like the most important person in the world.