

As white as the snow 

As pure as a princess


You were graceful, beautiful, and majestic


Wings that helped you soar to places you\'ve never been;

new experiences full of joy and wonder


Eyes that were as green as a garden, so full of life;

oh, how your eyes sparkled with curiosity and admiration


Legs and feet to keep you moving, balanced, and grounded;

you knew how to steady yourself


Dear Little Bird, little did you know, you helped me stay grounded

With you, I learned the true meaning of patience

I learned to soak in every moment and cherish it greatly

I learned what it really means to \"enjoy the little things\" and to \"stop and smell the roses\"

You taught me to take time to be thankful, to enjoy the life I have

To focus on the positive and not let my negative circumstances define me or the value of my life



Sweet Snowhite, I thank you

You were my comforting companion, my chirpy feathered friend, and most of all, you were my Darling Pet Parakeet

You may have been small, but you had a big place in my heart



You will always have a big place in my heart, Snowhite

You will always be loved and appreciated


Sincerely, Your Owner, Devorah Pleva