James Fox

The Last Kiss Goodbye

The chance meeting that started

A life of love that

Never grew flowers,

But lived in every way


Too young to see

The power of the union,

There was no kiss,

But the promise held its’ rapture


The time was not right

But life had other plans


Another generation passed,

Their eyes met again.

Unable to be together,

The flame still shone

From the chance meeting


They learned lessons

About love, life

And themselves.

Slowly fate was revealing

Its intent and possibilities


They had the chance for

The future they had dreamed of.

The kisses of true love

Had gently revealed its beauty


Once again, the chains were broken.

But they had not lost

The connection that occurred

In the heavens of time


As if drawn again

By the mystery of this life,

The love shone in their eyes.

Once again, more intense than ever


Age was telling them that

This is how love really is,

No measure of time would

Ever dim their soul connection


Was this the chance to

Experience loves last kiss?

Had eternity arrived?

Wishing upon a star.


Was the last kiss goodbye

Finally about to shine on

Their life of love?

A life that dreamers know.


They promised to wait in heaven

If necessary, to be together.

Would the last kiss happen on a deathbed?

Life’s love to be celebrated.


The answer is no,

This cannot be.

Life has the last laugh.

They walk away for the final time…..


The love of this life

Will be celebrated in heaven.

Where it was made

The life of this love must end.