

Their trill of laughter dispels all woes
It scampers off, in front of tiny toes
Clouds of darkness, part, to let in light
Laughter and sound, that makes the world bright

So happy, so innocent, and still so small
Their friendly chatter entrances one and all
Peals of laughter, screams of fun and joy
Are streaming behind this little girl and boy

Both of them have mischief in their eyes
Inside their tiny bodies, tons of energy, lies    
They run, they skip, they slide and they play
With unrestrained joy, they brighten up the day.

It’s nice to see them mingle
It’s great to watch them smile
It’s fun to hear their jingle
It’s a treat to see their style

So, let them play and run
And enjoy their tons of fun
For the reason they were born
Is to brighten up our dawn.