
Love Broken

Love Broken

From the moment we spoke my guarded heart was broken

in a sense of relief not pain you broke down

every wall, every barrier, thank you for releasing my soul...

I am no longer a carrier
of pain that is.. You moved me and showed me an higher frequency

now my heart can be directed to heal,

feel warmth again... perhaps love was to come but at this moment

the knot was UN-tied..
You display to me what real love could feel like. 

Yet I could since, your a protector at the same time, also so gentle and kind

you brought me out of the darkness and quenched my light

to my surprise my soul took flight and you captured me

in a place where heaven and earth meet..

from the moment we spoke my guarded heart was no longer broken

you broke down every wall, every barrier,  thank you for releasing my soul.
