
Heavenly Library



Back from the library

With a load of treasure

A prancing pleasure

Awaits in impatient reverie

It’ll last me for weeks, spiritual food

A treat to my soul, with much good

Even for a hundred years of quarantine

With such companion, it serves me fine

As Dionysus is served with Naiad of wine

Heaven is said to be a place like a library


Yet better than heaven it is

For in heaven there’s only bliss

No bitter-sweet tears,

No remorse over the years

But here on earth I have all

Baudelaire\'s Flower of Evil

Hugo\'s  Les Misérables

Lord Byron’s romance

Frankenstein’ laments

Buried histories to recall

Future Fictions to partake

Much more than Three Bodies

I live a life in times of infinity

Tantalus regretted his immortality

But I can savor a thousand ways

Of deaths as heroes in the plays

No, I would not trade my place

With heaven but for a library