Kinsey Peterson

I Once Fell In Love

Stuttered breaths           and panting        voices filled the air

The words                                        filled the silence

And the breaths took            the feeling from my         lungs.


The grass          swallowed me whole

My           back                grew damp with dew

The sun   blind     ed my poor eyes.


I blinked away the        sweat.

The panting was coming to a halt

I lie there                   for long moments.


Soon the sun was closing its glittering eyes

The trees in the distance 





And bent their spines to their tallest points


She lie beside me and I allowed my hand to crawl through the grass

Her rings scraped my fingers

Her warmth buried itself inside me.


She smiled                              and my breath caught

Her eyes reflected the diminishing light

Her skin was lit by the fireflies around us.




The bugs were stars as they floated around us

She was everything

She was the world


We circled around each other

Our breathing beating to the blissful rhythm of the heart of the new-born universe

It was just us


My hand retracted

Her smile faded

Her skin fell back to earth.


The nothingness of night lie beside me

It’s frigid claws grasping at my shaking limbs

And i turned back to the now blackened sky