
in the street

Down in the street
there’s a pattering of feet
as people hurry by
with a smile or a sigh

intercepting them off-hook
then observing their look
of curious surprise –
is a treat for the eyes

who wouldn’t like
the boy on the bike?
Chubby and small 
Trying not to fall

Or the cute little girl
As pure as a pearl
Who thinks her candy
Is indeed very dandy

Then what about the boy
Exuding great joy
Heedless of the heat
Blistering his feet

The exuberant girls
Their hair all in curls
Try not to care
At the way the boys stare

While the boys lithe and spry
At nonchalance do try
With their incessant chatter
That is only meant to flatter

The old hobble along
The road seems quite long
Their back’s bent with worry
And they are in a hurry

While all the office-goers
Talk of cricket overs
Or of family troubles
If any of them are doubles

Sorrow, calm and joy
Faces bold and coy
Looks serene and calm,
Acting like a balm

People whom to greet
You will find a treat
All these you will meet
When looking across the street

So always be alert
While walking on Mother Earth
And enjoy all the sights
The bustle and the lights.