
A note

To the stickers aligned 

to the to-do lists flapping with wind 

time is running 

Battling with veterans of all kind 

you, who has been a veteran itself 

Holding the mast of struggle over time 



a mind of distraction 

a surge of anxiety 

a swell of fear 

an earthquake of falling apart  


hope you did, disaster management well ?



the greed of winning 

surpasses the fear 

can  smart work of few days 

beat the long hours of sweat ?


it can’t 

or maybe it can 

shall we play a bet 

a roll of dice

a gamble of life 



the thirst for winning 

driving the soldier all night 

a mere soldier 

or a warrior in armour 

will it be praised 

for its courage inside 

will it be sworn as a  marquise with valour of all kind ?

the dilemma that catches up throbbing heart inside….