
I Hide (an anaphora)

I hide with grace and a smile

I hide with my inner most being and strength


I hide with the power but never forget

I hide in transition to a next level beginning


I hide with talents and gifts I never show


I hide in pain, turmoil, but I am overcoming


I hide with the constant fear of unintentional trust that is the true nature within myself


I hide with my heart strings being pulled again by the broken


I hide calm, constantly calculated, and analytical


I hide only to emerge when again I can trust and the fire within me is charged


I hide watching the destruction, sabotage, and road blocks tossed in my path


I hide quietly, actualizing the naivety of those that I thought I once knew


I hide refusing to continue to allow those to surround me


I hide only to say I learned, I grew, but I never gave up


I hide knowing that what is revealed, uncovered from under the ashes, is something hard as a diamond


I hide waiting to shimmer so intense it blinds, it exposes the truths, and overshadows the path of those that have tried to break me