
We all deserve a Lifeline

Permits, blockades everywhere

suppressed are the feelings here,

speaking truth becomes a dare

free minds can\'t think in a scare.


Dare to dream, dare to live

we do have empathy to give,

carving out a future we deserve,

let\'s not spare efforts in reserve.


Cold winds await their run

winter fog obscures the sun,

keep hope, the Sun will shine

we all deserve a lifeline.


Lifeline of shiny rays of hope

pearls of luck wrapped on the top,

beauty around us that we adore

sitting by the ocean\'s shore.


Experiencing the world hand in hand

from a perspective where we stand,

The togetherness that we cherish

not worried when we will perish.


That\'s the life we deserve

To express the love we preserve,

let the roses win over the guns

we all live this life only once.