
Forward Focus

As I near the top of the mountain I stand tall in stature. 

My focus remains straight forward taking in the sights around me. 

The birds sing the sacred song to my heart as I keep moving forward. 

Butterflies grace me with their magnificence guiding me forward. 

The sunshine scares the shadows away as I keep walking straight forward. 

I walk with my arms straight out embracing the magic inside of me. 

I feel the shifts inside of me as I progress higher on the mountain. 

I don’t look down, I don’t look backward, and I don’t look up. 

I don’t focus on the people ahead of me who are rushing to the top. 

I just focus on the sounds of nature all around me. 

I just focus on the breathing sounds matching the beats of my heart. 

I just focus on the sounds that my footsteps are making with each step forward.