
Chasing time

With sands of time 

playing it’s reel,

 bound to few mistakes 


a wisp of irritation 

a spur of excitement 

to catch up with fading time 

the heart singing valour of chasing lines 


in those dilemma 

a dark sky 

engulfing emotions of all kind 


in that aloofness 

nobody to greet 

and none to agree 

the emotions charring the wisdom 

making errr as it reeks 


sanity or insanity 

blurring the lines 

why do you play trick all times ?

a moment of breathe 

a second of present 

Just, live in the moment 


Chasing endlessly 

Long buried dreams,

they call him “ prisoner of dreams”

a slave of ambitions 

drinking wine of fantasies 

on roof of reality 

sleeping in midst of circumstances

as it breeds….