

When I was younger, I dreamt of love

A tale so sweet I had constant toothaches

Like cinderella; I wanted to find a prince who loved me for my heart

Or like sleeping beauty, a prince who could awaken my fantasies and bring them to life


Only when I grew up, I realized it was not that easy.

Love was demanding...

Love was sacrificial...

Love is painful.


Even though it could be beautiful, when given in the right amount

Just a little more salt could spoil the mix, and a little more love could turn suffocating.

I remain grateful that I came out of it alive.


As a child I remember I once heard someone say \"Love is blind\". I never quite understood

until I experienced the anxiety of falling into the unknown.

A journey among others to discover new landscapes.


Love is a song sang by all, until you are alone singing the last line...

wishing you had never put the record on.