
Dad Was My Best Man

Dad Was My Best Man


I had the kind of dad you could count on

I always felt safe when dad was around

My dad gave me someone to look up to

He could affirm my value without a sound


We had our Saturday morning breakfasts

Playing catch out in the front yard

We played a silly game of hide and seek

He was always there when life was hard


He delighted in doing special things

He helped me by my very first car

He was rough and gruff and yet tender and sweet

Yeah, my daddy sure raised the bar


He taught me how to love and provide

For the family that would one day be mine

And showed me how to be courageous

When it came to right to have a spine


He was my best man on the day I married

And my best man for all my days

Now he’s the best man of my memories

And I miss him in so many ways