Osei Zion


I was taught to sit on the wall

But the mighty Jericho wall fall

I saw it roll like a ball

As if it was cut with a saw

A wall that stood so tall?

Rebuild. I mean all in all


Employ the crane

A potential builder

Builder of harmony

Pivot, load and effort, its anatomy

Reality that seems phantomy 


Mighty cranes 

Your loads dismantle

Innocents seek refuge

No reason to exclaim gee !


Unbalanced forces

Unequal economies

Different colors

Dissimilar qualities



Back to site mighty cranes

Hang dialogues

Lift relationships and respect

Pick the pieces to build peace

Raise walls and not sides


Now mighty cranes

What are you after?

Why are you after them?

What can you do with them?

Dialogue ! Dialogue ! Dialogue !

I need my wall back