voices of ghosts

The House on Manor Hill

The House on Manor Hill 

It was early dawn

when we arrived 

stepping over moist grass 

they pointed us inside

towards a filthy corner

the equipment was placed

in its correct order

the ambience felt cold & eerie 

along with a lingering death odor

his body had putrefied to the point

its oils sketched the wooden floor

inside those very dark corners 

his energy remained,indeed it remained

slowly diffusing through the rest

of the cursed hill manor house

the spirit box made contact

he said his name was James Cox

an overwhelming scent of booze 

& tobacco permeated everyone\'s nose

there were two bottles of whisky &

cigarette butts deliberately thrown 

he was drunk when he killed himself 

suddenly in a diabolical crackle 

he said the bitch ain\'t coming back

ain\'t coming back, ain\'t coming back

it echoed and echoed, indulgently 

as we felt the temperature drop 

he had shot his wife of 30 years

neighbors swear they see him in

the house holding a hunting rifle 

Voices of Ghosts