
A New World

I want a world where beauty is all around

In darkness the soul cannot be found

Where lights of early dawn tell a heart it’s not alone

Loving is the only way to be 


I want a world

Where people of the Muses heed the call

In a fiery nightfall catch a glimpse of divinity


I want a world

Where truth and beauty dance in harmony


I want a world where reigns simplicity

In nature we explore infinity

Where the robin’s morning call is the sweetest song of all

With blooms and birds we share our destiny


I want a world

Where a single fragrant bloom can transport us to the moon

Love is the spring of our humanity


I want a world

Where with little we are willing still to share


I want a world where goodness is the light

Guiding a life where kindness conquers might

Where meekness is a prize, hoarding riches is a vice

Virtue helping those in poverty


I want a world of

Kindness where daily life is devoid of human strife

A single smile can bring felicity


I want a world

Free of hatred and of cruelty


I want a world where we live in unity

Where my neighbor’s happiness is joy for me

Where I travel hand in hand with my enemy and my friend

Together we can build community


I want a world

Where a neighbor is my sister, is my brother

We learn from one another there’s no life without true liberty


I want a world

Where love and justice rule humanity