Alexander Pope III

Curse of Dowry


In the continent of sages 
The curse of dowry rages 
From the ancient ages 
It’s time to free women from cages 

The soul of the father 
The love of the brother 
The image of the mother 
Has to spend life in the house of another 

Arabs used to smother 
It was the father or brother 
With the permission of the grandmother 
On account of gender, no escape, but to suffer 

Indians want money to let other’s daughters stay 
Then for her in-laws, she has to pray
Even then in-laws betray 
Left alone with kids to play 

Why marriage is linked with money
Don’t start life with such a honey 
How a girl can continue to be funny
When all monster in law want is money 

Even for dowry, some girls die 
The media makes hue and cry 
But the poor soul has already reached beyond the sky 
It is time to seek an eye for an  eye 

I salute the bride who rode on horseback 
From every corner for her a good feedback 
There is nothing in which a girl lack 
Gender is no longer a setback 

Girls in village and city 
Have become all the more gritty
They want no sympathy or pity
Joy is double if they are witty 

So shackles of dowry will break
Girls know what is at stake
One who marries for money is not a human, but a  snake 
Do not choose him by mistake