Tiger Eye

Little Cactus, We Keep Going

A few years ago my dear friend gifted me with a cutting of a Christmas cactus that had been in his family longer than we have been alive. 
I never saw the mother plant but I imagine her big, beautiful, mighty because of the size of the cutting. I potted her and added her to my collection of over 60 plants. 
But she, she was something special. Knowing she had lived through the generations of someone so dear to me and now she lived on with me. 
Flor de Maio, native to Brazilian rainforests, can adapt to different environments and live for decades. They represent endurance. 
A year ago I trusted someone I shouldn’t have, who played with my mind in ways no one should. I could not water anyone. And I saw almost all my plants curl up and drop much like I did. And I think I attended 100 funerals. But not my Flor de Maio. The only plant out of 60 that that still stood. Months of no water. She kept going and growing and standing taller. 
And she survived 

And we survived 

And we are bigger than ever 
