
because water and love are closer together than you think

the love i felt for you was like salty water,
it burned in my lungs and made me cough
over and over again

but coughing didn\'t make it better, no, believe me
i felt roughened after
and still, i decide to dive deeper every time your gaze meets mine.

sometimes i think /is that really love?/ and then the waves are crashing over me
and i think /yes, that\'s how it\'s supposed to be/ it should drown
and press the air out of you.

on some days, when you walk past me, i feel like standing on a cliff,
the warm wind pushing me towards the abyss.
and then i jump.

that\'s when you look at me, but while i\'m falling
i remember that there\'s hardly any warmth in your expression.
you\'re leaving me here confused and bruised and lonely,
questioning everything we ever had.

your love was like salt in my wounds, that you caused.

the love i felt for you was like diving into the ocean
without knowing how to swim.