Katrina D

In Wiser Times

In wiser times

A timely wave

Of youthful oblivion

Would cover the tracks

Of existential question marks

Traced in the black and white paths

Of a hazy and shallow mind

No need to reason why

Just be

Being with a frenzy

Animal agility sculpted

In pimply puppy fat

Raging relentlessly

With irresistible relish

Against an unfair world

Not so now

Hollowed out with time

Sharp ideals have spread

And thickened into

Sagging, heavy-hipped uncertainties

That sit sagely

In twilight shadows

Behind faded veiled truths

Furtively twitching

Half-drawn curtains of hope

To pry unseen,

With tired eyes and dull aching

On the distant bleak and blurred figures

Of countless unanswered questions

Scurrying by

Homeward bound