Daves Bloke Poems


I\'ve opened a ticket. I hope that\'s okay?

I just need some advice on how I\'m feeling today. 

I keep getting these feelings that will not go away. 

I\'ve not felt like this before, I guess I should say. 

I start feeling nauseous and gently sway. 

But it comes and goes all throughout the day. 


No worries good Sir, we\'ll soon have a mend.

For with my experience, a hand I will lend. 

I\'ve looked in your logs and noticed a trend. 

These emotions are linked to a Lady friend. 


To troubleshoot more I just have to say. 

Could you do me a favour and not see her today? 

If you continue like this your hair will turn grey. 

I\'m sure you\'ll agree that\'s a large cost to pay? 


No sorry please you must now escalate this.

Not see my Lady friend! You must be taking the piss. 

Why would you deny me such bliss? 


Well then Sir I have a workaround, you should not miss. 

Next time you see your Lady friend, just ask for a kiss.