Bella Shepard

To Nike




O Nike, thou goddess of ethereal footwear that adorn my feet

Each day I slip into the softness of a kid glove and sigh

For you know what I need to make my day complete

A walk in the magical kingdom of nature that beckons me


And I will for all eternity covet these sneakers and treat them well

As they will take me places far and wide upon the road of life

Verily I say unto you, never cease your production

Nor bring to an end your outrageous styles and colors


But, what-ho!  Methinks I spied a crippled heel, nay two

Made worn by many steps upon the FitBit

Alas my magical shoes are but earthly and corrupted

Old and eroded with the smell of death, what to do?


In the midst of my distress, as I contemplated my plight

There came to me a voice, I know not from whence

And the words did reverberate in my ears

“I will give you the answer”


And Nike did speak unto me in this hour of distress

To give me hope and sooth my fevered brow

“Prithee, where may I find the balm to save my sole

What words of wisdom have you to impart”


“Listen carefully and take heed, for all your strength you will need

Get thee unto Amazon, and there you shall find that which you seek

In its ancient archives you will find a ruby tube

With these letters of black emblazoned upon it “SHOE GOO”


“This magic GOO when applied, will waken your shoes to new life

The old and tired will once again be young and strong

And each day will be as when you first beheld them on the shelf

Your eyes bedazzled and your heart lost to their beauty”


And so it came to pass, this pair of shoes I bought was my last

The GOO preserves from year to year, the shoes that I hold so dear

Upon my feet I place them daily, and though age may slow my step

The shoes and I will tread lightly and leave a gentle wake