Pearcemelville 兎敏

The Bard Returns from the Future


The Bard Returns from the Future
[Pearce Melville     曾 達]

Your Majesty I offer you glorious gifts
This day I return from future
Lutes exuding tones so pretty
I named it elektrickery 🚥

Have brought one here for you to see
Though without fuel is not to be
Here O Sire Majestic Master
A brand new [Fender Stratocaster!] 🎸

Playing this with teeth and fiery tricks
A MAD MUSICIAN Jimi Hendrix 
Blessed all who came to concert [Woodstock]
Inspired many Patriots to flock 🇺🇸

I bring tales of wonder endless
They ride a horseless cart so wondrous                 🚛
Taking flight as birds they soar 
I ponder how they do not fall 

And swimming like fish below the sea         🐟          🐠
I think how do they get their oxygene 
Riding a pen they soar to the moon
Such intelligence causes me to swoon 🚀

Diving depths ne\'er here seen
Inside a whale A [Submarine]
Gather rare earths from  🐳 🐋 volcanic vents       🌋
With which to make elektrick instruments 📦

such as

A thing in hand talks to lands afar          📱        📲       
Paperless communication Ya!                                 📳📴          
Square boxes showing figures within
How they possess such acumen! 📺

And Robots making things so grand        🤖
Perform the toil of ten thousand hands 🤘
They said it will replace the wife
No more troubles No more strife 👰

Crotchless panties stocking hose          👯‍♂️👯‍♀️
Bikinis and a big girl\'s blouse
I brought a Gstring for you to see              👙
Perhaps adorn it ~ privately? 👯

Still they drink I supped Swan Gold            🍺               🍺
Some things never change I\'m told
Prostitutes still hawk their ware 
I must admit I ~ visited there 😋

A Book wherin you may find a suitor
It is known as [The Laptop Computer]            💻
I opened it and thought to find her
But all I earned was a Bearded Grinder!           🎅            💩

I felt like chilling that very hour            ④  * ②◎
Was pleased to pluck some marjhuana  🌿
We marvelously got along
And smoked a Bubbly Pipe they call a [Bong]   Д


ISpied 😎a remarkably remarking game played 
as which is what to name a Cricket  🐜
with short square leg Ponting
Back Sillysosilly midon and 
grassy Wicket   Ⅲ
  A covered drive  🚕🚙🚘🚗
A backWay sWeep💲
    Hook Block Cut Slice  🍰
Cutting  ⚔️   leg a Googly 
   Swinging in and out
 with Spin  ⚙️
Changed lbw rule agin🕴️

Bowling pair  🎳  🍐
 Lillee and Thommo
From each end 
 Loosing Head Delivery 😥
Routed Inglan
West Indians
Batsmen trod a Trench  ⛏️
that Almost seemed Obligatory
  📝    📋
The Chappells Pair 
quite Debonair  👬
  and Dougy Walters at the crease 🚶
Inverarity after four hour
stint  🕓
        five before time out LB! ☝️
Rod Marsh Iron Gloves 🤚
playing in a team he loves ♥️
At times called up was 
Mick Malone WA Sheffield Shield his home   🏡
Most were sought from that 
Hometurf  ⛳
Often over more than half

He\'s here!

The Immortal Sage sends his regards          👵     👼     👴
Through me your humble servant Bard     🤔
And by a remnant City Wall
The seed you planted is then grown tall 🌲

Investigation most profound
Revealing that the Earth is round          🌍
And round they circle round this globe             🌎
Once round a turn then circle home   🌏

Through looking glass they view the Stars         🔭🔭
Redshift informs us where we are ❓⛔⭕⛔🚫 ➿‼️
Through another looking down    🔬                   📍
Waterbears Bacteria abound 

An elektrick vehicle is charged at dusk    🚕    🚎        
The creditor is [Elon Musk]
\'Tis said he took the idea from Tesla™️
He visited astride an E♒Vespa     🛵
One man named Jobs he built a mouse    🖱️
Proceeds of which bought him a Grand House   🏙️   
He took an apple spread it round    🍏        🍎       🍏
As Johnny Appleseed was profound  🍐

Inspiring Ideology  思考

A Marvellous Man Marx he read Engels  🤓   🚽   📜
And so too Engels studied Hegel
Marx a mind engagingly eclectic
Expounded views on The Dialectic Ⓜ️

In bridging ideological schism       
He developed Dialectical Materialism    👻
Concerning himself with Worker struggle   
He and The Proletariat burst the bourgeoisie bubble 🎈

Entered a quizzical Monty Python edition   🦎    ❓
Answered [The Workers Control Means of  🏭🏭🏭              Production]
Maoism found an egalitarian solution 
By instigating The Agrarian Revolution 🌱

He became himself rather Majestic    👼🏰⛲⛲💒
Developed a Communism with Chinese characteristic
Instead of positioning soldiers there
He advocated geurilla warfare 🔫

Global Exploitation Tendencies
Explained in theories of Dependency        ✳️🆒🚸
By Frank Gunther another revolutionary
Not to be mistook for Donika
A Happily and Positive Thinka 🤓

Zhou Enlai spoke against Lin Biao         😮              😡
Married a revolutionary Deng Yingchao 
Together they sat in the Politburo
He was Premier of China you know? 🇨🇳

Natural Mystical    🙏☯️

A rivulet small that flowed with abandon       ⛲
\'Tis now a grandiose [Grand Canyon]
A tiny mound The Immortal strolled upto           😇
Is the Himalayan mountain by Kathmandu ⛰️

Buddha became popular in Western climes          👶
Meditation Nirvana The Divine
Three divides does Buddhism have a dogma? 🐕

Castes of Brahmins      🐮 Kshatriyas Vaishyas Shudras
Though all are free to chant the Sutras        📜
Nehru was inspired by Ghandi
Who used to get around in undies 👳


cystitis      👣       💙       👣 


He spake unto a man forlorn
Raise this Islamic child as your own 🙄

There was a Revolutionary Che
Whose face adorns T-shirts to that day
With Fidel took insurgency reaction
America still imposes economic sanction 🇨🇺

A friend that I had made 
Said I shall unlock my car this day,  I require no assistance,
He merely tapped a button with his finger
Wooo                ☝️

SPOOKYAction ata D👻 istance


Nobody reads but facebook
Argument and insulting looks
Some pen acute others oblique
Indoors all day their sight grows weak 😎

No response to a Chinese query     我愛你        您好嗎
Just learn Nihao Wo ai Ni

Oh Sire next time Join with me 
And see the Joy awaiting Thee 
When You attain Immortality
The Future there for you to See ⛩️