
Winning a hundred million power ball lotteries in a row

What are the odds?

So said the gods

From the first living cell

Everything had to go well

Not one link in your ancestral chain broken could be

None could have died prematurely

Each individual had to meet the right mate

How could this be left up to fate?

Ancestors, you had quite a few

Each generation they double it\'s true

For you to be you, in each mating, only one in six trillion sperm

For over one hundred and fifty thousand generations firm

Was right for only one in one hundred thousand eggs

The odds of this happening the question begs

What are the odds of you being born?

From an impossibility a certainty torn

The number of atoms in the known universe

Is ten to the eightieth power no worse

If every atom was a universe unto itself

Drawing the right atom out of this, would be easier than being yourself

For this to happen for every generation

Is a number so great it precludes contemplation

It\'s ten to the two million six hundred and eighty five thousandth power

And this does not cover non human links back to the first hour

You\'re a probability of zero yet you\'re here

Don\'t you find this a bit queer?

A probability of zero and of one, how can that be?

If energy continues eternally

Then in time\'s infinity

All things are not only possible but a certainty