Tiger Eye

Do not bite off an ear with how I survive

I am drumming my chest

I survived

I survived

I survived

Someday I will tell the story after survival

But for now I will tell people about how you dug the earth out of the ground

You looked at me and said keep digging

You looked at me and said jump in

Two eyes made of lead

Jump in

I did this for you, you said

You’d never tell them you dug it for me

You would tell them you put a blanket over me one time when I fell asleep early on the couch

Maybe Adam bit the apple and asked eve to hold it

Maybe Adam was the snake

I would have rather you punched me

The nervous system doesn’t know the difference

It’s all crushed muscle fibers and bleeding beneath the epidermis

Surface of lies

You asked me for a dance

And then put your hand over my eyes and spun me around in the dark and then screamed at me for not knowing which direction was north