
I wanted to be colorful

I wanted to be colorful.

Last night I imagined a colorful theme of a puzzle

I decided to create it in pure anticipation and excitement.

I heard you screaming down the halls filled with rage and anguish.

you barged in with a bucket of black paint

splattering it onto my colorful canvas.

I wanted to be colorful.

I went for a run this morning and i painted my skies blue hoping to forget about your black ink that stained my hands.

I looked up to see you dragged your clouded skies against my blue.

I reached up and tried to tear them down.

but the ink spread onto them.

You grabbed my peace and shattered it onto the ground once more.

if I stop trying to push you

would you leave me be?

each day i become a bit more stable and secure on my ground. 

I\'ll hold myself up for a second longer each day

for now, my world is a rainbow doused in your clouded skies

I wanted to be colorful.

At least my red still shows

tomorrow maybe orange. 

and the next maybe yellow.

I\'ll be colorful
