
“April is a cruel time of the year...”

Who said spring brings hope and joy

No, I don’t have a plot of land

To sow my crop of hope by hand

Not a garden, not any potted aloe

I don’t even wait for love to come by

Yet, winds get mild among the willow

The sun comes merry and mellow

Birds do sing cheery and  bright

Grass and trees are budding despite

And flowers, flowers everywhere

Plum blossoms startle one unaware

Apricot and sakura pop out overnight

Why you bloom in a boom, so fast

That I can’t help a loud cry aghast

And the lily magnolia, pure soul of art

One is enough to break a tender heart

Why are you thrive in such profusion

Only to fall pulpy and perish, for nothing

And the tulips,those little toddlers

Only to die untimely in baby-fat cute


April is a cruel time of the year

beauty-blind me, without a tear