I am Feeling so Dis-con-nec-ted
All I have left now is a B-ro-ken Fan-tasy
Why am I feeling so Dis-con-nec-ted?
My Sha-tte-red Pa-st just won\'t let me go
I can\'t sleep because my mind is so Dis-con-nec-ted
My oh my why am I so To-rn all I want is some Pea-ce
All I know is that I want to be Re-con-nec-ted
Why do I feel so Un-nec-ess-arily Sep-ar-ate?
Why do I feel so Fuc-king Des-per-ate?
My Jum-bled up Pa-in keeps revisiting me
All I want and need is to be Pro-tec-ted from this
I want to go away for good because I am so damn tired of being... Dis-con-nec-ted