
Ode to a good cup of tea


I observe contently as the kettle boils,

bubbles rise up as though they compete for my attention 

or perhaps they converse with one another. 

A gentle swish as I place each tea bag into its mug 

the swirling of colors as the suavely textured milk acquaintance’s itself with the foundation 

to become a unified concoction 

and I too feel complete 

albeit the feeling cannot last forever 

but i savor it nonetheless 


oh tea,

serenade me with your wordless reassurance

remind me of the comfort’s sealed within you

wisps of it escaping through transparent fog


what events have you progressed through to be so full of warmth?

i’m so curious

and so i ponder the idea

and simply wonder

when can i provide and experience this warmth without your reliance?