
Tonight I Write You Joyous Lines

You don’t realise just how easily you make me smile,

One simple glance my way,

That pert grin that always catches my eye,

Referencing the jokes we share,

Words that are our own,

No one else’s to speak or understand,

They couldn’t if they tried,

This world is for only us two.

Our colloquy lights me up,

Like fireworks of great ardour,

Exploding through me,

My brain, my body, my soul.


When I look at you, 

When I feel your head against my chest,

When I breathe the colours of your hair,

Feel your lips as they push back into my own,

When I gaze into those eyes, 

Those luscious blue eyes that save me,

That allow me to lose myself in freedom,

I forget where I am,

I forget what I am doing,

I forget the time, the date, the decade,

But never, not once ever,

Do I forget just who I am with,

The magnitude of the soul in my unworthy company.